Beverly Rutledge
I am happily married to Mike with three adult children, Tom, Nick, and Chloe. After playing Evil Nurse Pat in the original “Four Old Broads”, I am very happy to once again engage the character of the villain in The Miss Magnolia Senior Citizen Beauty Pageant! I don’t mind being type cast because acting mean is so much fun!
- Nita Mooney in The Hallelujah Girls — 2015
- Multiple Roles in Cotton Patch Gospel — 2016
- Pat Jones in Four Old Broads — 2017
- Lucille in Showtime at First Baptist — 2018
- Assistant Director in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas — 2021
- Alice Beineke in The Addams Family, a New Musical — 2022
- Martha in The Miss Magnolia Senior Citizen Beauty Pageant — 2021
- Mrs. Wakowski in In-Laws, Outlaws, and Other People (That Should Be Shot) — 2023
- Mrs. Beauregarde in Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka -TYA Version — 2023
- Mrs. Peartree (a storyteller) in A Christmas Carol — 2023
- Belinda (Good Witch) in Wizard of Oz — 2024