News Article
Tickets for "Dogwood Winter" Now Available
Published on: March 22, 2024
Tickets for "Dogwood Winter" are now available online or by mail. For online tickets, please click on the "online" link found on the red ticket on the right side of the home page. Please choose the date and time you wish to attend, complete the ticket purchase, and you should get an email confirmation of that purchase. You will check in at Will Call when you arrive for the show. There will be a Saturday matinee each weekend at 2:00 pm. There will be NO shows on Sunday.
If you prefer to purchase by mail, please be aware that ticket prices have changed. Adults are $20 in advance with Seniors, students, teachers, and veterans at $18. You would need to mail in your ticket request along with your check made out to WBCT. Be sure to give your name, address, date & time of attendance, and the number of tickets you want. Mail to WBCT, P O Box 1720, Winder, GA 30680. If you include your email address and/or phone number, you will get a notice that your order has been received. Be sure to mail early.
Also please be aware that the show will be held at the First Christian Church of Winder at 275 N. 5th Avenue, Winder, GA. The church is located directly across the street from Winder-Barrow High School.
We look forward to seeing you at this World Premiere of "Dogwood Winter".